Sunday, March 2, 2014

Inner Dialogue

Recently I have been feeling unsatisfied. It’s like when you breathe and don’t reach that final hump that relieves your inhale and leads to your exhale. The most annoying part was that I couldn’t pinpoint the source of that dissatisfaction. I just kept thinking of Mick Jagger breaking dance moves on that missing hump of my breath singing “I can’t get no…”

So like the list maker I am, I decided to make some lists. I wrote a list of things that make me happy, things I dread, and things I would like to see happen in the next couple months. As silly as it sounds, it helped me establish where this feeling was coming from and how to address it.

I asked myself if the things I dread are necessary for my happiness later or if it was sacrificing my present moment. I asked myself if I have been properly managing my time to fit those happy things into my life. And then I made a commitment to myself to make those happy things happen.

Sometimes, we get to a point when we need to make a change... But instead, we give up. Making a change may seem harder than giving up, but really it’s not. It’s actually satisfying. So take that Mick Jagger.

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