Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Funday

Today I went to a fun record sale with my lady friends. There were endless bins of vinyl ranging from $1 to $30. I was on a budget and the $5 bin was plentiful enough to satisfy me. I didn't do too much digging... it was a Sunday after all and I was feeling extremely lazy with one hand occupied by a beer. I only just skimmed the surface. I spent half the time looking and half the time socializing.
Friends, beer and records! These were my finds of the day.
The first album I bought was the 007 Goldfinger. Yes... I'll be listening to this while I cook breakfast to get my day started off right.
The next album I bought solely on the booklet built into the front. It didn't let me down. The vinyl was just as good as the artwork.
Then I started drinking a huge beer and the one hand digging commenced.
I finished my extra large beer on an empty stomach. My buzz was fresh and I started to get a bit nostalgic...
I bought some Judy Collins, which reminded me of my Grandmother and my Mom. When my Grandmother died, my Mom inherited The Judy Collins album, Colors of The Day. I remember her opening the record sleeve and smelling my Grandmother's scent.
I also shamelessly bought some Kate Bush.
A fun Sunday off with great friends and good music. That's a wrap y'all.

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